Prayer/Fasting Resources

7 Steps For The Restoration of America

Your Commitment!

Seven (7) Steps for Restoration: 

1. Attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass  
2. Spend Time in Eucharistic Adoration  
3. Pray Holy Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet  
4. Fast and Do Penance  
5. Make a Consecration to the Holy Family  
6. Pray Spiritual Warfare Prayers  
7. Pray a Litany (St. Joseph, St. Michael, Most Precious Blood)  

Seven (7) Goals:

We Pray:

1. for the Conversion of the American People and the Restoration of Our Nation
2. for Peace, and to Implore God’s Mercy on Our Nation 
3. to Build a Culture of Life
4. to Defend the Sanctity of Marriage and Family Life
5. for All Priests, Religious Vocations, and the Holiness of Members of Our Church
6. to Promote the Purity of Our Youth
7. for All to be Consecrated to the Holy Family: Jesus, Mary, and St. Joseph, Terror of Demons


7 is God’s Perfect Number 

“Seven is the symbolic number of charity, grace, and the Holy Spirit. It is the term that stands for perfection. There are seven sacraments, seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, seven deadly sins, seven joys, and seven sorrows of Our Lady.” (source

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