Calling All Prayer Warriors!

There is a great battle between Christ and Satan happening in the world right now.

This great battle is particularly focused on America by the Forces of Evil.

Join our year-long Pray and Fast for America 2024 Campaign.

Commit to Pray, Fast, & Adore Today

"And He said to them: this kind can go out by nothing, but by prayer and fasting."

Mark 9:29



Join Us for the International Week of Prayer & Fasting 2024


Why Pray and Fast? Here's Why...

The Virtue of Fasting ~ Fr Ripperger

The Power of Praying the Entire Rosary

Fasting is the Soul of Prayer

Drew Mariani Show Interview - Relevant Radio

Demons, hexes, and spiritual warfare are all around us. And right now in this difficult time, we need prayer and fasting. As the evil movement is trying to put cops in danger, the light needs to shine through the darkness. If you want to learn more about the movement to pray and fast around the US, hear what Maureen Flynn has to say.


Click here to listen to the whole show.

Join the thousands across America on our mailing list to stay up-to-date on our mission.

"Evil may have its hour, but God will have His day."

- Ven. Fulton Sheen

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